Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Top 5 Lists-Favorites of 2010

Overall this year has been pretty crappy. I can honestly say it hasn't been all bad. One of my favorite podcast is the Totally Rad Show. This week they have been compiling their list of favorite movies/TV/Video Games of 2010. This has inspired me to put out my own top 5 list of things I enjoyed this year. Plus, it gives me an excuse to finally write on my blog. So here it goes.


5. Resident Evil: Afterlife

I love the Resident Evil video games and the movies equally. Some would say the films are not that good. I'm not looking for Citizen Kane when I'm watching them. They are good mindless fun with zombies. As a matter of fact, I just love zombies period. I'll watch anything with zombies.

4. Girl with the Dragon Tattoo/Girl who Played with Fire

I lumped this two films together because I watched them both this year on Netflix Watch Instant. Plus, you really can't watch one without the other. These films are amazing and because of that, I have now started reading the books. I know Hollywood is doing its own version of the films which I doubt will as good as the originals. I love the mystery and the way the story folds out. I highly recommend both films.

3. The Last Exorcism

Ever since The Blair Witch Project I've been intrigued by "found footage" style films. I like the idea of reality with fiction. This movie scared the crap out of me because I really didn't know what was going to happen next.

2. Inception

I placed Inception at number two because of the originality of the script and the special effects. I love that it was unlike any thing else that was released this year.

1. Black Swan

I went into this film thinking I wasn't going to like it, but I ended up loving it. I love the darkness of the lead character. I can relate to wanting to strive for perfection and having that goal consume your life. Very powerful stuff.

Honorable Mentions: Splice, The Horseman (Australian film), Ip Man, Boondock Saints: All Saints Day.

TV Shows

5. Big Bank Theory

I just started watching this show. I was surprised at how much it made me laugh out loud. I am now catching up on the seasons I missed.

4. Criminal Minds

This show is my favorite show to watch. Every Wednesday I tweet about the show while I watch it. This season the show lost one of its main characters. When that happened, something in the show was changed. While I still love the show, it has lost its spark for me. That's why it's not number one this year.

3. Nikita

This is a nice little show about a kick ass girl. It's a little on the cheesy side, but it's cheesy fun.

2. Supernatural

This is my second favorite show. Last season's storyline was epic and surpassed anything I could have imagined. This current season is a little lackluster. I'm not feeling it the way I did previously. The show has moved away from the Angels vs Demons, end of the world saga and gone back to the monster of the week story line. It's number two because last season was just amazing.

1. Walking Dead

What can I say about this show? Zombies, check. Great writing, check. Good story development, check. Did I already say zombies? I love this show but I hated the six episode season. It left me wanting more.

Honorable Mention: Torchwood Seasons 1-3. Okay so I mention Torchwood because I've never heard of his show before until this year when my friend Ivy went on and on about how great this show was. So, since all three seasons were on Netflix Watch Instant, I watched them all in one weekend. Oh my goodness is this show good. I can't watch for the fourth season coming out on Starz.


5. Corpse Princess

I love anime that features strong female characters. This story is about an undead girl who must destroy 108 undead corpses in order to gain entry into heaven. This is an action packed show with supernatural elements. Awesome.

4. Ghost Hunt

This is a fun show that I discovered on Hulu. This show is about a group of teenage paranormal investigators. Some of the kids use their psychic abilities to help them in their investigations. Each case has a four-episode story arc. It's a really fun and scary series to watch.

3. Tokyo Majin

This is another gem of a show I found on Hulu. I watch a lot, a lot of anime on Hulu. This show is about five teenagers with supernatural powers fighting demons and the undead to save the world. This has a lot of action but also a lot of heart. I was hooked from the first episode.

2. Red Garden

This is a beautiful and sad story. I found myself tearing up at certain points during the series. This show is about a group of girls who go looking for their friend in a mysterious house but end up dead themselves. Again, I was hooked from the first episode.

1. Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad

This is by far my favorite anime this year. This show is about a teenage boy who discovers rock music and is consumed by it. It's through his new found love of music he truly begins to come out of his shell and grow. It's an awesome show about a teenage journey that I can relate to very well.

Honorable Mentions: I should say that I watch a lot of anime. I probably should have done 10 best anime of 2010 but I figured I should stick with five--Fruits Basket, High School of the Dead, Darker than Black, Kaze no Stigma (Stigma of the Wind). Moyashimon: Tales of Agriculture--this is not an anime but I fell in love with the show.


Before I get into games I should say that I use to be a huge gamer. I use to play all of the time. Since I moved and got this new job I haven't had time to play traditional console games. This list mostly consists of iPhone game apps and computer games. My goal for next year is to play more console games or at least find the time to play more console games.

5. Plants vs Zombies

I love anything with zombies so when I discovered this game I was instantly hooked.

4. Words with Friends

It's like scrabble!

3. Sims 3

This is just a time waster and a chance to play God. The family that I created is in its 9th generation now

2. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

I stopped playing WoW for a while because I got bored. When the expansion Cataclysm came out it renewed my love of the game. Again, another time waster but somehow it doesn't feel like that anymore. The new worgen characters kick major butt.

1. Angry Birds

I have nothing to say here. Anyone who plays angry birds understands why this is my number one. This is just a fun, fun game. I hate those freaking pigs. I hate the way they smile at you when you fail the level. But I digress. I love this game.

So, that's it. Can't wait to see what's coming up in 2011.

Friday, October 1, 2010

House of 1000 Mirrors- A Japanese Folktale

Long ago in a small, far away village, there was a place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors. A small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he bounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could. To his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 great smiles just as warm and friendly. As he left the house, he thought to himself, "This is a wonderful place. I will come back and visit it often."

In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, decided to visit the house. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door. When he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. As he left, he thought to himself, "That is a horrible place, and I will never go back there again."

All the faces in the world are mirrors. What kind of reflections do you see in the faces of the people you meet?

Japanese Folktale

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year. Welcome 2010!

Ah, it's the new year. I've been looking forward to 2009 ending. I have to say 2009 was the worst year of my entire life. I'm looking forward to making a fresh start in the new year. Of course, the new decade doesn't start until 2011, but who am I to split hairs. So I have my new year resolutions. Normally, I don't stick to these things but now that I'm older I believe it's time to finish what I start. So here are my resolutions:

#1--Play less of World of Warcraft and play other games.

I wouldn't consider myself a gamer per se but I've been playing video games ever since my parents bought me an Atari 2600 for Christmas in 1984. Ever since then, I've been playing video games. Over the years I've gotten the latest consoles including the Nintendo, Nintendo NES, Sega Genesis, Dreamcast, PlayStation, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Game cube, PlayStation 2 and 3. No I don't have an Xbox but I'm thinking of getting one soon. So I guess you can say I'm really into video game like many other adults in my age group (29 to 39). As a birthday present in 2007 I received the World of Warcraft game. I got online and started an account and tried to play the game. I believe my first character was a human mage. The furthest I got was level 8 before I decided to stop playing. It was just too hard to complete the quests, or so I thought. A few months later Grand Theft Auto IV came out and of course I had to get the game. I love the whole Grant Theft Auto series. My favorite is San Andreas. I finished the game in three weeks. The game didn't even provide a challenge to me. In July of 2008 I ran into someone from work who told me she played World of Warcraft. When I told her that I had the game but stopped playing, she got really excited. She said she would meet me in the game and show me how to really play. So I decided to give the game another chance. Well, after a weekend of receiving her tutorial on how to play the game properly I was hooked. After that all I played was WoW. Now I'm a level 55 Night elf Druid with two alt characters one at level 40 and the other at level 39. World of Warcraft is a time suck for sure. I haven't played my PlayStation 3 in so long it has dust on it. Now I just use it as a Blue Ray player. The decision to play less World of Warcraft came when I spent an entire three-day weekend playing the game and missed going out with a friend. So, I'm retiring WoW while to live life outside the online world and I'm going back to playing console games.

#2 lose 150 pounds.

I've been overweight my whole life. It's gotten to the point to where it's dangerous. I don't want to die at age 50 or younger like my mother who struggled with her weight all of her life. Diets do not work for me. I'm going to just do it the right way with a combination of eating more healthy and exercising. I do have a plan in place and I won't get into it here. I am determined more than ever to lose this weight. My life depends on it. Wish me luck

#3 start dating again. It's been two years, and I need to move on with my life.

It's self explanatory. After my relationship ended, I've been in a funk ever since. I think now I'm ready to put myself out there again. It will be good. Who knows? I might meet the love of my life. Nah!

#4 stop obsessing over people or things I don't have in my life and appreciate the people and things I do have in my life. Try and make new friends.

I need to be more appreciative of all of the things I have. I have good friends in my life. For a long time I wished I had more but I'm grateful for the people in my life. I am a good person. I just need to be willing to let others see it.

#5 Try to accept who I am and stop wishing to be someone I will never be.

For a long time I hated myself for reasons I cannot describe. Lately I've realized I have to stop being so hard on myself. I can only control the things I can control. I need to let go of the things I cannot control. I am constantly doubting myself and putting myself down. I have accomplished so much in my young life. I have a career and life to be proud of. I just need to have a little more confidence in myself. This year I'm going to focus on the positive and not on the negative.

#6 blog more often.

I use to have a blog back in the day under a different name. For some reason I stopped. I use to love doing it. It was fun. So, this year I'm going to post more blogs. I'm still a little rusty. Once I posting more often, I'll get my groove back. Did I just say "get my groove back"? Sheesh!

2010 is going to be a great year. I am going to make it happen.